vendredi 20 juin 2014


Envoyé par Elton

Whirling Wi-Fi: Vibrant images reveal how wireless networks sweep and surround us

  • A student from Newcastle University has made images that 'show' Wi-Fi
  • Luis Hernan made a programme that can measure Wi-Fi strength
  • He then took long-exposure photography to expose wireless networks
  • The results are stunning arrays of colour in fantastic shapes
  • He has also released an app so can take other similar images themselves


A student has produced a series of vivid photographs that reveal what the networks that keep us connected to the web look like. 

The images, created by Luis Hernan from Newcastle University, show spectres of Wi-Fi sweeping and swirling around in bright beams.

They were produced as part of Hernan's Digital Ethereal project, which aims to bring the invisible world around us to life.

Newcastle University student Luis Hernan produced these photographs of the invisible wireless networks as part of his studies. Hernan, who is studying for a PhD in Architecture and Interactive Design, used self-designed equipment to create the images

Newcastle University student Luis Hernan produced these photographs of the invisible wireless networks as part of his studies. Hernan, who is studying for a PhD in Architecture and Interactive Design, used self-designed equipment to create the images


Student Luis Hernan created the photographs using a custom-made instrument designed to reveal them.

It scans continuously for wireless networks, and transforms the signal strength to colour LEDs.

The results are multi-coloured streaks of light which twirl and wrap in spaces, showing how they surround objects and people.  

Hernan has also created an app which can be downloaded for free, for Android devices called Kirlian, which allows people to see the strength of Wi-Fi around them. 

Luis, who is studying for a PhD in Architecture and Interaction Design, said he is fascinated with the idea of being able to see the hidden wireless networks which surround us.


'I call the images "spectres" because wireless networks remind me of ghosts,' he said.

'They are there but you can't see them with the human eye.

'The fact we are becoming increasingly reliant on something that we can't see intrigues me. I wanted to find a way to show the wireless which is around us and also to show how it changes.

'It is an impossibly fragile and volatile infrastructure that holds our digital technologies together, and shapes the way in which we interact with the digital world.

'Something as seemingly inconsequential as walking around the house will interfere with and reshape their propagation and strength field.

'Close the wrong door, and the bedroom becomes a dead spot for wireless.'

Hernan captured the images using a piece of self-designed equipment that converts signal strength into colour images. He also has an app available on Android called Kirlian that enables people to measure the strength of Wi-Fi around them for themselves

Hernan captured the images using a piece of self-designed equipment that converts signal strength into colour images. He also has an app available on Android called Kirlian that enables people to measure the strength of Wi-Fi around them for themselves

The images show how Wi-Fi signals of different strengths surround objects and people. They were created using a programme that changes colour depending on the strength of a signal - blue is strongest, ranging to red at the other end of the scale

The images show how Wi-Fi signals of different strengths surround objects and people. They were created using a programme that changes colour depending on the strength of a signal - blue is strongest, ranging to red at the other end of the scale

Hernan created the photographs using a custom-made instrument designed to reveal them.

It scans continuously for wireless networks, and transforms the signal strength to colour LEDs.

The results are multi-coloured streaks of light which twirl and wrap in spaces, showing how they surround objects and people.  

This image shows how Wi-Fi signals around a ladder may appear
While this image reveals how Wi-Fi signals surround people when using their phones

The left-hand image shows how Wi-Fi signals around a ladder may appear, while the image on the right reveals how Wi-Fi signals surround people when using their phones

Hernan has also created an app which can be downloaded for free, for Android devices called Kirlian, which allows people to see the strength of Wi-Fi around them.

He said: 'I would love other people to get involved and to create their own images using the app.

'I used it as part of an exhibition of my work, where we hung mobile phones from the ceiling and it showed how signal strength was varying as people moved around the room.'


An American artist created his own colourful representations showing what Wi-Fi waves, peaks and pulses would look like if we could see them. 

Nickolay Lamm worked with former Nasa astrobiologist M. Browning Vogel last year to learn how the networks move and based the designs on coverage data taken from around the U.S Congress and The National Mall in Washington.

His results show the shape of the Wi-Fi signals, and different colours were used to distinguish the different sub channels. 

The Wi-Fi pulses are shown here as spheres. Fields are usually spherical or ellipsoidal and can extend up to 30 metres, and data is sent over channels. Lamm used red, orange, yellow and other colours to represent these invisible channels that make up the overall Wi-Fi signal

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Et combien ça a coûté aux Anduziens ??

Voici pourquoi les hommes ne passent pas l'aspirateur.....

   Voici pourquoi les hommes ne passent pas l'aspirateur.

jeudi 19 juin 2014

[LE REBOUSSIER] Nouveau commentaire sur Une carte des nouveaux quartiers prioritaires de l....

Anonyme a ajouté un nouveau commentaire sur votre article "Une carte des nouveaux quartiers prioritaires de l..." :

A ce jour

SMBTA (Pdt) (Transports vice pdt ALARY)
VILLE d'ALES (Maire)
Conseil surveillance CH ALES (Pdt)
Vice pdt Syndicat Mixte Aéroport ALES NIMES GARONS


Et peut être un SM pour le petit train de St Jean ...

S'il en manque dites le !

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Marian étant semble t il aussi chargé dé mission aux Logis cévenols... sécurité bien sûr !


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Petits cadeaux entres amis

Envoyé par camping car 

Petits cadeaux entres amis

La paupérisation d’Anduze est reconnue…c’est très bien !
Pendant ce temps le Grand Timonier Maxou distribue les petits et grands cadeaux.
Not’bon maire a reçu un bel Ipad « offert par Roustan »  mais il reconnait lui-même « ne rien connaitre » à cette technologie ni même à quoi ça sert…
Il est suffisamment « bravounet » (pour rester correcte) qu’il s’en vante  dans son bistrot préféré…pas celui de « papamadit » il affirme même que « Roustan va payer des cours » pour pouvoir se servir de cet outil…

Questions :

Cette dépense était-elle prévue au budget d’Alès Agglomération ?
Sur quelle ligne budgétaire a été prise cette dépense ?
Combien de bénéficiaires ?
Les vice-présidents ?
Les élus communautaires? 

Ce(s) cadeau(x) est(sont) aussi choquant(s) que les grasses indemnités octroyées…il n’y a pas mieux à faire dans notre communauté de communes ?
Que dit la Chambre Régionale des Comptes ?
Qu’en pensent les anciens opposants ?
Qu’en pensent ceux qui ont tant de difficultés pour simplement manger et vivre correctement ?

Félicitations aux heureux bénéficiaires mais surtout restez discrets et arrêtez vos larmes de crocodiles, ceux qui sont à la peine ne sont pas dupes, vous nous  donnez la nausée!


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> Bonjour,
> Le Foyer Rural de Tornac a le plaisir de vous convier à sa journée
> "Portes Ouvertes" qui se déroulera le
> Samedi 28 juin 2014 de 10 à 20 heures.
> Comptant sur votre présence,
> Cordiales salutations.
> Présidente du Foyer Rural de la Région de Tornac
> ----------------------------------------------
> Association Foyer Rural de la Région de Tornac
> Mairie - 1543 Route de St Hippolyte du Fort
> 30140 Tornac
> Tél :
> Courriel
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> Ouverture du bureau :
> Du lundi au jeudi : 9h00-12h30 et 13h30-17h30
> Vendredi : 9h00 - 12h